PERI is technological equipment and solutions for the construction and maintenance of industrial facilities

PERI logo

Since 1969, PERI has been one of the world’s largest manufacturers of cast formwork and industrial scaffolds, providing customers not only with technologically advanced equipment, but also with a wide range of services. The company is represented in more than 70 countries, including Central Asia: in 2007, a PERI division was opened in Kazakhstan.

 01 180926 058 BASF Lhfn rd hr 04 180926 091 BASF Lhfn rd hr 2016 09 MY Raffinerie Johor FE6C1375 mz hr HS UP Flex Arbeitsplattfjpg

During this time, a number of large-scale projects were implemented with the participation of the company, and today PERI Kazakhstan is:

• office and warehouse complex with technological equipment available both for rent and for sale;
• team of professionals who will select the optimal solution for a project of any complexity and provide full technical support;
• flexible financial conditions;
• German quality and innovative technologies.

The industrial sector is one of the key sectors of the economy of Kazakhstan.
Today, the construction and maintenance of industrial facilities requires modern technological solutions that can not only reduce costs, but also significantly increase the efficiency of works. PERI modular wedge scaffolds and services help solve these problems.

Our more than 50 years of expertise allows us to successfully cope with projects of any complexity and be confident in the result. Experienced PERI technical specialists will develop the optimal solution that will meet all the needs of our customers and ensure safety at the facility.

 01 DE 091 Leuna 300cmyk 2016 09 MY Raffinerie Johor FE6C1697 mz hr HS UP Flex Arbeitsplform 200519 Gasometer 6664 rd hr

Today, PERI scaffolds are used in various industries, including oil refining, metallurgy, and cement. The equipment is used to service oil refinery plants in Kazakhstan, as well as complexes on the Caspian Sea shelf, cement plants and many other enterprises.

The purpose of scaffolding is to ensure safe access for personnel to operating equipment or to the surface on which works are taking place, to create comfortable working conditions, and to minimize the risk of accidents.

 What makes PERI products different?
- Manufacturability allows us to design the most non-standard shapes.
- Versatility makes it possible to assemble structures with different purposes from one set. The structure can be moved in the assembled state, if this is provided for by the project.
- PERI scaffolding systems are certified according to European standards.
- High installation speed.

 CA NWR Edmonton FE6C2276 by hr Baustellengespr HR164 2019 Peri Mietpark Ausstellungshalle 1 105 rd hr

At the exhibition we present PERI UP Flex technological industrial scaffolding system.
A well-thought-out set of standard elements allows us to assemble even the most complex structural shapes, and the built-in safety system reduces the risk of accidents.